Monday, August 27, 2012

Back to School

Today is Grace's first day of third grade - can you believe it?  We did our traditional walk to school and took the obligatory photos.  This is going to be a big year for Grace - letter grades, more homework, a wider variety of subjects in the classroom - and I think she's pretty excited.

This is her leaving the house!

This is her teacher - Ms. Hunter

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Last Days of Summer

We are a few short days from getting back into the grind and even though we pretty much operate on the same schedule regardless of the time of year, I am looking forward to getting back to the school routine.

Let's start with Grace.  She will be a third grader this year - can you believe it?  Tomorrow is open house and we'll get to see who her teacher is and which friends will be in her class.  Tonight is her first pom class.  She is very excited to try something new.  When someone asked her what pom was she replied "It's cheerleading with dance".  I think she's excited.  And not to be forgotten, karate is still her top activity.  She tested for her blue belt last night.  It feels like she is breezing through the belts, but she knows her stuff!

Adam's visit to the developmental pediatrician went well earlier this month.  He pretty much told us that Adam is an active three-year-old who needs firm limits.  Well you know who gets part of the blame on that.  But he did say that the school calling us when he was acting out, didn't help matters so we need to reprogram him a bit and our sitter Tanya has been doing a fine job of that.

Because we want to get him back into a full-time program, we have elected to put him in a part time pre-school to get him back on track.  So he will still spend time at home with Tanya but on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons he will go to pre-school.  Hopefully he'll grow out of this phase soon.

For those of you in NJ - look out, we are heading north for Labor Day weekend.  This will be time for the extended family to enjoy the kids and for me to enjoy family and friends!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Our Beach Trip

Last week we made our annual trek to Myrtle Beach for sun & fun.  This year we decided to extend our stay to four full days and we're glad we did since we got a little rain.

Our first stop as usual was the Dinosaur Mini-Golf course.  We played our 18 holes and got to spend time with Uncle Sam.

The next few days were all about the beach and the pool.  Surprisingly Adam is not a big fan of the ocean - he only wanted to play in the waterpark and on the slide.  Grace on the other hand was jumping waves and digging in the sand.  She's got a little bit of her great grandmother in her!

We had a good time.  The next few weeks will be all about getting Grace ready for 3rd grade.  Sunday is our annual girls day out where we shop for school supplies and clothes and take some time to be together before we dive into our hectic schedule of school, homework, karate and pom.