Thursday, June 12, 2014

Summer is Here!

Well school is over and my wallet just shrank in fear - yup summer is here and the daycare bill has just gone up 31% for the next 10 weeks.  But when that 10 weeks is up, we'll have a 5th grader and a kindergartner.

Let's talk about the rising 5th grader.  She finished 4th grade on Tuesday with all As and 1 B for the entire school year.  She participated in chorus (which I hope she will continue next year), continued with karate and is now back on the golf course.

 The little one is ready to start blazing his trail.  He "graduated" from pre-school and is enjoying these last few weeks preparing for kindergarten.  He just finished up his first year of baseball and has signed up for soccer in the fall and then wants to play basketball after that (he's my boy - all three sports that mom played).

We are looking forward to summer - movies, the pool, the beach and no traffic on the way to Tutor Time every morning!!