Friday, December 31, 2010
Christmas Pictures
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Meeting with the Big Guy
Monday night we loaded up and headed to Concord Mills. As we rounded the corner to Santa's location, I couldn't believe my eyes, there was NO line. We walked up and Grace was ready. Now I was prepared for Adam to scream at the top of his lungs, after all this is the year that most kids go ballistic when they sit on Santa's lap.
While Adam didn't scream, he made it perfectly clear that he wanted no parts of sitting on some dude's lap. We were able to get a quick picture before he was down and away. Grace of course wanted to hang out and get in good with the Big Guy. She told him what she wanted and he said he'd see what he could do. Whatever happened to asking if the kids have been good??
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Change of Plan!
And wear it she did. At first we didnt think they were going to do the whole birthday singing and all - which is what she wanted (she's just like her mother) but then the waiters came over and serenaded her. She bowed her head down and wouldn't look at them untl they were done.
Needless to say we didn't make it to see Santa - maybe tonight or tomorrow.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Happy Birthday Grace!
Saturday, we had Grace's birthday party at the skating rink. She had about 12 friends there, some of which had never skated before. They skated, ate pizza, played games and enjoyed cake. Grace had a ball and is so excited to have received a year's worth of free skating passes.
Today Grace will enjoy cookies with her friends at Kids R Kids after school and then cupcakes with her friends at dance before coming home to open her presents and celebrate with her family. Since her birthday falls on dance night this year, we will have our customary dinner at Red Robin followed by visit with Santa tomorrow evening.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Preparing for Christmas
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Travel Time
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Grace's Zoo Trip
But last Friday, I took the day off to join Grace and her class (and then entire 1st grade) on their field trip to the NC Zoo. Parents no longer ride the bus on field trips like when I was a kid, so I had to drive myself and meet them there.
When the kids arrived, they had lunch and then we split into groups to tour the zoo. My group consisted of Grace and her two friends Lexi and Maya. Because this zoo is spread out into two regions, Africa and North America, we decided to take the tram to Africa and then work our way through the exhibits back to North America.
We saw elephants, zebras, bison, elk, lions, monkeys - ok you get the point. But we had fun! This photo is of Grace outside of the desert exhibit - we stayed outside to avoid seeing the snakes!!!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
My New Job
During the call he told me that I have been doing an excellent job and that I have been chosen to become the Operations Administration Manager for the Hendrick Performance Group. This is a newer division of the Hendrick Organization. They manage Mr. Hendrick's personal car collection and the buying & selling of "classic" cars along with too many other things to mention.
I have been working with this group since it began last year and am very excited to be moving in with them full time!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Buckelew Halloween
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Adam's Ears
Monday, October 25, 2010
Grace's Horse Show
For Open Tack, which is basically just walking the horse, she earned a red ribbon - 2nd place.
In her final class, Pattern which is weaving the horse through cones, she earned a white ribbon - 4th place. That surprised me a little because she had done so well in that during lessons. In any case, she had done really well for her first competition and the icing on the cake was when she was awarded Champion Reserve which is 2nd place overall in her divsion!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Grace's Big Day
Friday, October 15, 2010
Adam's New Trick
He just sits there with his lips tightly closed and either giggles at us or stares with a look that says "just try to make me swallow this". And it's not for a couple of seconds - no - he'll do it for 15 minutes. And when he's ready, he either swallows or slowly lets the food/drink dribble out of his mouth into a pool of yuck. BOYS!!!!
Friday, October 8, 2010
The Buckelew Sports Saga
Apparently in my house they all support David's teams - case in point, Adam wore "his" Red Wings jersey to school today. When you ask Grace who she's rooting for she ultimately says the Red Wings or the Lions or the Tigers. I can't catch a break.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Coker College Reunion
Friday evening was spent with lots of friends from not just my class but as far back as the class of 1980. It was great to meet so many new faces as well as catch up with the old ones. It was as if we never graduated.
Saturday I got to meet the new Athletic Director and tour the facilities. She shared her vision for the future of Coker sports and it's exciting. After that I joined a few other alumni at the President's home for breakfast. There we got to meet some current students and their parents. After that I walked around downtown Hartsville and checked out some of the shops before heading to the alumni baseball game.
I joined a few friends for lunch before heading back to campus to enjoy the Homecoming Festivities which included watching the 1994 Coker Baseball team get inducted into the Coker Hall of Fame.
It was a fun day and I'm glad I went. I'm looking forward to next year!
Monday, September 27, 2010
My First 5K!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Riding Lessons
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Our Routine
Case in point, a few weeks ago, Adam was awake earlier than usual. So David got him out of bed and took him downstairs. Harmless - right? Well once David left for work, I couldn't get Adam upstairs. So then, I had to stop what I was doing to get ready in order to bring him upstairs to get ready. All the while he was crying because he wanted to be downstairs with all the toys. And Grace was no help because she was doing her thing.
This instance allowed me to reinforce our need to maintain the routine. David gets up and gets ready for work. He thens gets Grace out of bed and takes her downstairs for breakfast. In the meantime, I get up and get ready for work. Just before David leaves, I get Adam out of bed so he can see him. And then the kids get ready.
Ok you get the point but this is what keeps me sane in the morning. I'll be honest, I used to yell - a lot - in the morning. Grace would move at a snail's pace and then I would hear the school buses rolling which meant we were late. Now everyone knows what they have to do to be on time. When we stay in the routine, mornings are a lot quieter at our house and that's what really makes everyone happy!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Day at the Fair
Friday, September 10, 2010
All the Activities
I have already become that mom - you know her, the one with all the magnets on the back of her car for the activities that her child is in. I've got a Next Step Dance magnet and an Odell Elementary School magnet. Grace wants me to get one for the swim school and of course if she does take a martial arts class, that one will go on too. Didn't I used to make fun of that mom? Oh no, that was the mom bragging about her Honor Student; although I do hope I get to add that magnet to my collection!!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
First Day of 1st grade
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
One Week To Go!!
I remember first grade. I attended Boudinot School and had Mrs. Bennett. It was there that I made my first two lifelong friends - Nikki and Stephanie. We still keep in touch - thanks to email and facebook but it would be awesome to get to see them more often. Girls trip anyone?!?
I hope Grace gets at least one lifelong friend out of first grade. I couldn't imagine life without my two and I certainly love the memories - the Winstons, the bus rides to ELP, the MBS test song (I"ll bet they forgot it), the safety patrol - I could go on and on.
Happy Back to School!!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
2nd Annual Girls Day

So today was our annual girls day. This is where Grace and I get to spend the day together and do girl things. We started out with hair and nails, then we got some lunch and went shopping for new clothes. Grace got lots of cool outfits for 1st grade!! Now it's time to put our feet up for the evening.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The end of summer!
Well, in two weeks, Grace will be in first grade. She is very excited. Saturday will be our annual Girl's Day. On tap for this year - hair, nails and clothes. I love that she is getting into this!!
On the flip side it will also be Boy's Day. All signs point to them hanging out in the garage. That will certainly change as Adam grows.
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Beach!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Back from NJ
Friday, we went to Sesame Place with my cousin Michele and her kids Abby and Colin. I hadn't been there since I was little and I always forget it's right across the bridge. The kids went on a bunch of rides and saw several shows. Adam was not a big fan of the Merry Go Round. Grace loved the roller coaster and went on it twice - it's all she can talk about.
Saturday we ate outside and played in the sprinklers to stay cool. Now, Adam did not like the water park at Sesame but after a little while of watching the water come out of the sprinkler, he couldn't get enough of it. Grace always has fun in water so I wasn't worried about her.
Sunday we went home but not without a little adventure. We got to the airport and breezed through security. Of course I plan my travels so the kids don't have to sit for too long that way they stay content. Well as soon as we sat at the gate, I got a voice mail and email that our flight was delayed. If only those messages had come through 15 minutes earlier, we could have taken a ride around the city to pass the time. But that was the hand we were dealt, so we made the best of it. Both Adam and Grace were pleasant and did not act up. I even had a lady come up to me and tell me how well behaved they were. Wow that says a lot!
So we made it home two hours later than planned just in time for our neighbor's fireworks - you know, right when I want to go to sleep!!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Dancin' Princess
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Last Day of School (well real school that is)
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Mom is Lazy!
Grace is doing great. She's had a very sucessful year in kindergarten and is looking forward to the things in store for the summer months - swim lessons and maybe horseback riding lessons. Now if only I can convince her to take golf lessons (there is an alterior motive to this one). Adam is crazy. He is in to everything! He loves bath time and gets really excited when we put his "eating" chair at the table. We can't wait to see what he's like at the pool this year. David is enjoying his return to softball. He's caught up with some old friends these past few weeks and it has been entertaining.
I don't have much more to report. Race week is coming up and that leads into dance recital time and the end of the school year. Hopefully I can get better about keeping this blog up to date.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Grace's First School Dance
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Easter Greetings
Monday, March 15, 2010
Adam's First Hair Cut
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Nothing to Report
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Adam is 1!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Happy New Year