Wednesday, August 18, 2010

One Week To Go!!

Can you believe it - Grace will be in first grade next week. Her first day of school is Wednesday, August 25th. We have Open House on Monday and will find out who her teacher is, where her classroom is and the most important thing in her mind - which friends are in her class!

I remember first grade. I attended Boudinot School and had Mrs. Bennett. It was there that I made my first two lifelong friends - Nikki and Stephanie. We still keep in touch - thanks to email and facebook but it would be awesome to get to see them more often. Girls trip anyone?!?

I hope Grace gets at least one lifelong friend out of first grade. I couldn't imagine life without my two and I certainly love the memories - the Winstons, the bus rides to ELP, the MBS test song (I"ll bet they forgot it), the safety patrol - I could go on and on.

Happy Back to School!!


  1. yay! love my girls! it's so cool that we have that special relationship. (how did you ever remember that test song though??!!) i hope grace loves elementary school as much as we did... good luck! and come back to NY to visit me. :)

  2. Yay!!! Congrats to Grace for being a 1st grader! :) I remember those days and miss you girls so much! Facebook and email just isn't the same and wish we could all plan a weekend, too! I'm in! I know life has taken us all in separate directions, but I cherish those memories with you both. Heather, I have no idea how you remember that song either! LOL :) I'm in for the girls road trip! Tell me when. NYC sounds like a fun weekend...or we could always do NC...Steph & I would have to ride together!
