Tuesday, February 19, 2013


The past couple of years we've been lucky to miss out on the snow that has burdened our family in the north.  But that's no fun for the kids.  Sure we had some ice in January and school was closed for the day - but you can't play in ice.

Well the kids finally got what they've been wishing for, a little snow.  I was in Hartsville this past weekend for an event at Coker.  While in a meeting I learned that it was snowing so I called home during a break.  David said there were a couple of flakes but nothing exciting.  That was short lived.  As I drove home and turned onto the side street that led to our neighborhood, it happened.  Snow started falling faster than you could believe.

I pulled into the driveway and went inside to tell the kids.  Mind you, when I parked the grass was green.  In the five minutes it took to go inside and say the word snow, the grass was covered.  Grace & Adam grabbed their coats, hats and gloves and ran outside.  If they've learned one thing about snow in the south, they've learned that it doesn't last.

Both of them had a blast.  They were throwing snowballs, catching flakes on their tongues and simply enjoying the best part of winter.  After their cheeks were nice and rosy, they came inside for some hot cocoa and to warm up before going back out to play some more.

Of course by Sunday afternoon the snow was gone but it lasted long enough for them to have a good time!

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