Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mom is Lazy!

The mom I am referring to is me. I haven't been to the gym in weeks, I haven't done a good job on my chores and most importantly I haven't updated this blog!

Grace is doing great. She's had a very sucessful year in kindergarten and is looking forward to the things in store for the summer months - swim lessons and maybe horseback riding lessons. Now if only I can convince her to take golf lessons (there is an alterior motive to this one). Adam is crazy. He is in to everything! He loves bath time and gets really excited when we put his "eating" chair at the table. We can't wait to see what he's like at the pool this year. David is enjoying his return to softball. He's caught up with some old friends these past few weeks and it has been entertaining.

I don't have much more to report. Race week is coming up and that leads into dance recital time and the end of the school year. Hopefully I can get better about keeping this blog up to date.