Monday, May 30, 2011

Fun in the Sun

We decided to pull out the sprinkler yesterday for the kids to cool off and they sure did have a good time

This is Grace and Adam with their friends Dasia and Davian.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sibling Wars

It appears that Adam has assumed the role of little brother with great joy!  He has figured out how to torment the hell out of his sister.  One minute we will hear them playing nicely in the other room and then all of a sudden there's a high pitched scream followed by the name "Adam".  But Grace isn't quite the victim that she pretends to be.  She has gotten quite good at messing with him when she just can't take his antics anymore.  Of course then he comes running to one of us crying and when we ask what's the matter he says "Gwace".  His vocabulary isn't advanced enough to tell us what she did but once she hears him say her name she yells from the other room "He started it".  The joys of parenting!

Friday, May 20, 2011

What is it About Boys?

So I arrive at school this evening to pick up my sweet, little man and there he is - running at full steam around the playground.  When I tell him it's time to go, he says "No!".  When I tell him he can go home and play with his trucks in the dirt, he drops what he's doing and runs to me.

As he is running in my direction, his teacher walks over and lets me know that this morning he thought it would be fun to cut his hair.  Of course he would do that  - picture day is next week. 


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day is my day to relax.  The day started with a french toast breakfast in bed and then I got to drink my coffee and read the paper in peace.  I did take Grace to riding lessons and then did a little Target shopping before coming home for a nap.  But the best part of my day was the hugs from my babies!!  I love being a mom! 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Nothing New

I realized that I hadn't posted anything new and exciting since the horseback riding incident - well that's because things are just rolling along.  Grace has 26 days of school left and then she will be into her summer program at Kids R Kids.  Adam is getting more and more verbal each day - although he still likes to yell the work truck or bus when one passes us!

This just happens to be the time of year where we just wait for things to quiet down so we can tackle the summer months :)